Its Friday evening , about 12 hours after the long awaited arrival of Maya Isabella Cooper. Daughter, Grand daughter, cousin, niece, you take your pick she is a gift to each and everyone of us.
She entered the world at 1150am GMT, today,friday 8th June 2007, after a twenty two hour labour that has left a trail of tired and weary adults in its wake.
Kat's waters broke spectacularly at 250 am on the 7th June. 2pm, later that day following a visit to the hospital and a light lunch.....boom!!!!, it started not with a whimper but with a bang, full on minute duration contractions, at 2,5 minute intervals, a pattern that persisted for the following 13 hours!
The first 5 hours were spent at home. Then the preceeding 8 were carried out in hospital under the midwives supervision, with supporting roles being played by Anna, Kats best friend from Mexico and I, Anna adminstering liberal amounts of entenox and me supplying refreshments and emotional support. 13 hours in, Maya was still in the wrong positiona and Kat hadn't dilated sufficiently and had had enough, so the aneatheist was called and asked to provide an epidural - sweet relief!!!! ( for all - I hasten to add)
Fast forward just shy of 9 hours and the relief and release Kat and the rest of us all needed arrived, hallellua, hey presto we have a baby -instantly our hearts burst and the outpouring of love and emotion is of an intensity neither of us have experienced before, to love someone so much in an instant -well I'm preaching to the coverted here...y'all know what its like...magical.
Kat is a legend, what an incredible woman, my love and admiration for her have risen to new heights...Anna was an amazing steady rock giving guidance and support, I was fine during the process, but now I am emotional wreck. What an incredible journey, the midwives and all the staff were unbelievable, supportive, compassionate,caring, knowledgeable - just fantastic.
Kat is coming home today with our daughter...and then we will ALL be home, getting used to her and she to us.....more to to all, paul
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